At HolidayCheck, we are proud of building and improving products and features that make holidays better. Our users trust HolidayCheck and expect from us the best content, great deals, top-of-the-notch user experience and a stable, and fast platform.
Our product teams are the strongest unit of our product organization. They are typically formed by 3-5 developers, 1 designer, and 1 product manager and work independently to create a great experience for our users. Our developers, designers, and product managers are those who know best how to fulfill our goals and vision, and they work together towards making better holidays.
We are divided into the following areas:
- Traffic
- E-Commerce
- Sales
- Data/ML
- Platform
- Apps
- IT Services
The teams inside Traffic are responsible for bringing the users to our platform. Our projects include keywords like SEO, landing pages, or user-generated content. We have our hands and minds on all those pages where our users land at HolidayCheck when they start planning their holidays. The teams are all full-stack, with Javascript, Typescript, React, NodeJS, GraphQL, ElasticSearch, and Java being some of the technologies they use.
Our latest successful projects include:
- We help our users know which location is the right one for them, like Greece
- We keep them informed about the latest travel restrictions
- We show them early bird prices when they are still undecided
In the Ecom teams, the focus lies in helping users find the right hotel, the best offers and deals on our platform, to have an unforgettable vacation. We continuously improve the booking funnel, develop services connecting to our external partners or develop the newest features related to the HolidayCheck Club. The teams are both full-stack and Backend focused, and the technologies include: Javascript, React, NodeJS, Scala.
Our greatest late additions are:
- Flex offers, where we are proud to have changed the travel industry by being the first ones to offer such a product
- New and optimized hotel pages, eg. Dana Beach Resort
- Premium offers and deals you can find all around the web
At the Sales team, we combine our massive reach and deep understanding of our markets to build innovative advertising products that generate the most effective and meaningful touchpoints between our Urlaubers and our leisure travel industry partners. We also make vacations better for our Urlaubers by developing tools to make relevant insights, benchmarks, and reports easily accessible and actionable for our partners. Our team is full-stack and we work with JavaScript, especially Node/Express and React.
Our latest projects include:
- Building out the HolidayCheck Business Center for partners to navigate the HolidayCheck universe from one cockpit
- Making our advertising products more accessible and easier to use through self-booking
- Introducing auction/bidding to our advertising products for better price-discovery
The Data and ML team is responsible for various projects, both on the platform and for generating internal insights. Our data lake is hosted on AWS and runs over 1000 batch jobs every night, storing every offer that we see on our website and processing the huge amount of data giving customised experience to the user. This allows us at HC to have all relevant data in one location and easily consumable. Based on this asset we have been building additional value with these projects:
- Fraud detection: we have a hybrid approach to prevent fraudulent reviews to be published on our website (ML model and manual checks)
- Deals: identifying the best offers for our users by comparing current offers with historical data
- Hotel recommender: one of our main goals is to give more guidance to our users from the host of data that we have from our users’ behavior
The Platform Engineering team helps all the other engineering teams. They deliver services and tools which make building, deploying, and running software as easy as possible for other engineers. The Platform team also makes sure that HolidayCheck infrastructure is stable, secured, and will stay this way in the future. They write in Go, Bash, and Python to automate our Google Cloud-based setup. Other technologies include Kubernetes, Ubuntu, Packer, Vault, Prometheus, Nginx, Traefik, and all sorts of open-source databases.
Our recent projects:
- Fully automate SSL certificates management across the entire infrastructure
- Extend observability into a state of running microservices for developers
- Continuous deployment of infrastructure configuration changes
The Nativos Team is responsible for the development of the iOS and Android Apps. Many of our users out there take the step and download the apps into their devices, giving HolidayCheck a private spot in their pockets and enjoying a direct and personalized way into our products. Our goal is to leverage the benefits of smartphones to provide the user with the best possible experience: from the moment you look for your next vacation to the time you come back from your dream holidays.
Our main technologies are Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, and Java, and we are also using Scala or NodeJS in our Backend services.
IT Services
We provide everything the teams need in their daily business: Network infrastructure, E-Mail and file services, server hosting, user accounts, and workstations. We run our infrastructure both on-prem and at different cloud providers. We support by evaluating and maintaining new tools – while always having an open door for all colleagues with any IT-related problem.