Testing code that isn't there yet

in Testing 15 minutes read

It’s relatively easy to test a piece of code that is already there. Stub dependencies, check calls, returned values. Voilà, there you have it. But what about a code that is not there yet?


We’ve all heard about it. Make it red, make it green, step back, have a look, refactor. Repeat the whole process. Easy to say. But it’s also a big step to make for some.

It’s also very tempting to write some amount of code, just to have a thing to grasp, a point to start from. In this post I would like to show you how to start testing without any code upfront, so that you can get comfortable with TF (test first) approach as well.

Things I will show you

The example I am going to work with here is not going to be trivial like some simple function that conditionally returns some string, you can google plenty of those. What I would like to show is a part of a backend micro-service I was working on, that included connecting to MongoDB and fetching some data. A more real-life example one would say. It’s not 1:1 copy, but does almost all what my production code does.

The code produced here will have 100% code coverage, but might not be the prettiest one. Why? It’s not a purpose of this post to show you how to refactor, but how to test code that isn’t there, to get you started with TF programming with more complex cases.

You can find the final code here: https://github.com/smolak/testing-code-that-isnt-there-yet. Commits reflect all of the code examples from this post in the order they are introduced.

Know what you want in return

One of the things that helps me start off with writing a test is to know what my function will eventually return. This way I can build the very first test.

My function will return a collection of photos for given hotel ID (yes, I work in hotel/holiday business). I learned that photos are a part of hotel entity and are stored under photos property. This is worth investigating before any code is written.

fetchHotelPhotosSpec.js (commit)

import fetchHotelPhotos from '../fetchHotelPhotos';

describe('fetchHotelPhotos', () => {
    it('should return hotel photos collection', () => {
        const photosCollection = fetchHotelPhotos();

            'photo-1.jpg', 'photo-2.jpg', 'photo-3.jpg'

This is what I want to have returned if I call this function. An array of file names. Now, having this test I can create the very first code that passes it:

fetchHotelPhotos.js (commit)

export default function fetchHotelPhotos() {
    return [ 'photo-1.jpg', 'photo-2.jpg', 'photo-3.jpg' ];

As I mentioned, there will be things related with connecting to Mongo, finding some data, also some error handling. If you will look at it as some steps needed to be taken, this is how it will look like:

  1. Connect to Mongo

  2. Find entity holding our data

  3. Return that data

I find it very easy to start from the last step and then continue working from top to bottom. At the very end I will replace returning this array of file names with some kind of DB handler’s find method that I will stub.

Provide dependencies

I assume that at bootstrap level MongoDB driver is configured and what is being passed here is ready to use instance, that is already connected to DB. So result of calling mongodb.MongoClient.client.connect() is what we will use.

The first thing you want to avoid is to have global imports in your file (e.g. Mongo driver), as it will be very hard to test. Let’s inject it. Also let’s have a very first use of it.

As our data lies in some collection, we need to fetch it using the collection() method. I will use sinon for organizing spies and stubs.

fetchHotelPhotosSpec.js (commit)

describe('fetchHotelPhotos', () => {
    const connectedClientDouble = {
        collection: sinon.spy()
    const collectionName = 'hotels';

    it('should fetch hotels collection from DB', () => {
        fetchHotelPhotos(connectedClientDouble, collectionName);

                    .to.have.been.calledWithExactly('hotels') // (1)

    it('should return hotel photos collection', () => {
        const photosCollection = fetchHotelPhotos(connectedClientDouble, collectionName); // (2)

            'photo-1.jpg', 'photo-2.jpg', 'photo-3.jpg'

fetchHotelPhotos.js (commit)

export default function fetchHotelPhotos(dbClient, collectionName) {
    dbClient.collection(collectionName); // (3)

    return [ 'photo-1.jpg', 'photo-2.jpg', 'photo-3.jpg' ];
  1. You might ask why did I hardcode collection name instead of reusing the variable? That is because tests are applications as well. If I change something in one place, I would also like to know that it has an impact in other place(s) as well. In this example if I was to change the collection name to something else I would like to see a failing test. In this example, it’s not so very important, but there can be cases where a passed string will have an important meaning and just reusing a declared variable at the top might be not safe enough.

  2. This test would fail, because fetchHotelPhotos calls for collection, and thus client and collection name need to be passed here as well.

  3. This might look awkward at this moment, but we will get to the point where getting the collection and returning an array with file names are connected.

You’ve probably noticed that something is odd right now. If we are to get photos of a particular hotel, we should only pass hotel’s ID as a single argument for that function.


not so good

fetchHotelPhotos(hotelId, dbClient, collectionName);

No, rather not. Ideally this is what we would like to have:

much better


How can we pass dbClient and collectionName then?
Let’s take a step back.


I have some routing in the micro-service I built. Therefore instead of using fetchHotelPhotos directly, I need to have some function that prepares / creates handler for particular route (e.g. /hotel/:hotelId/photos).

Let’s say it looks like this:

route for fetching hotel photos

router.get('/hotel/:hotelId/photos', createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(dbClient, collectionName))

OK, this seems better. Let’s create this handler. First, a test:

createHotelPhotosRouteHandlerSpec.js (commit)

describe('createHotelPhotosRouteHandler', () => {
    const connectedClientDouble = {
        collection: sinon.spy()
    const collectionName = 'hotels';

    it('should return a function', () => {
        const routeHandler = createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(connectedClientDouble, collectionName);

        expect(routeHandler).to.be.a('function'); // (1)

createHotelPhotosRouteHandler.js (commit)

export default function createHotelPhotosRouteHandler() {
    return () => {};
  1. Why a function? You will soon find out. Keep on reading. There is no use for it right now, but we will get to it. We will also reuse previously created fetchHotelPhotos function very soon.
For route and HTTP request / response handling, I'll be using Koa, but you can use whatever you like, e.g. Express.

Koa expects, for each route, a function to be passed (we already have it, though it’s empty), and that function is passed ctx and next arguments. We are interested in ctx only, as it holds:

  • request params
  • response object reference

route example

router.get('/from/path/for/:someId', (ctx) => {
    // here we handle this route
    // and access params from: ctx.params.someId
    // and response from: ctx.response

Now that have all requirements discussed, let’s combine them:

createHotelPhotosRouteHandlerSpec.js (commit)

describe('createHotelPhotosRouteHandler', () => {
    const collectionName = 'hotels';

    const connectedClientDouble = {
        collection: sinon.spy()

    beforeEach(() => {
        connectedClientDouble.collection.reset(); // (1)

    it('should return a route handler', () => {
        const routeHandler = createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(connectedClientDouble, collectionName);


    describe('route handler', () => {
        it('should fetch hotels collection from DB', () => {
            const routeHandler = createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(connectedClientDouble, collectionName);



        it('should return hotel photos collection', () => {
            const routeHandler = createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(connectedClientDouble, collectionName);
            const photosCollection = routeHandler(); // (2)

                'photo-1.jpg', 'photo-2.jpg', 'photo-3.jpg'

createHotelPhotosRouteHandler.js (commit)

export default function createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(dbClient, collectionName) {

    return () => [ 'photo-1.jpg', 'photo-2.jpg', 'photo-3.jpg' ];
  1. It is a very good practice to reset the calls count for spies if we check if they were called given amount of times. Remember that you should be able to call all unit tests independently, at any given moment, in any order. That being said, one spy call should not affect the other call in other test.

  2. At this point, we still want to have photos returned. But since this is a route handler, I guess it should not return a plain array, but a response with status code and a body holding that array.

For the sake of readability, I will add only a single test here and there to not overwhelm you with the whole codebase.

In order for Koa to return a response with given status code and a body, we need to set status and body properties of response property of ctx (I will explain it shortly). This is, again, a thing worth discovering before doing any coding.

“Learn how to use your tool, before using it.”

So, if we want to set 200 and a body with that collection of photos, we need to do something like:

ctx.response.status = 200;
ctx.response.body = [ 'photo-1.jpg', 'photo-2.jpg', 'photo-3.jpg' ];

Let’s write a test for that:

createHotelPhotosRouteHandlerSpec.js (commit)

const ctxDouble = {
    response: { // (1)
        status: 0,
        body: ''

beforeEach(() => {

    ctxDouble.response.status = 0; // (2)
    ctxDouble.response.body = '';

it('should return hotel photos collection', () => { // (3)
    const routeHandler = createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(connectedClientDouble, collectionName);

    routeHandler(ctxDouble); // (4)

        'photo-1.jpg', 'photo-2.jpg', 'photo-3.jpg'

createHotelPhotosRouteHandler.js (commit)

export default function createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(dbClient, collectionName) {

    return (ctx) => {
        ctx.response.status = 200;
        ctx.response.body = ['photo-1.jpg', 'photo-2.jpg', 'photo-3.jpg'];
  1. We’re adding response property which is an object holding status and body properties, which will be set and checked.

  2. They need to be reset before each test.

  3. It is still returning this collection (as a response), that is why this test’s description didn’t change. From user’s perspective, this is what will be happening: returning a collection of photos means a body with an array of file names and a status code of 200.

  4. No photosCollection anymore, as response is set in ctx.

Back to Mongo

Now, let’s take care of actually fetching this data from DB. We’ve ended up requesting a collection. Next, we need to find an entry for given hotel. If you take a look into docs, findOne() is what can help us. Let’s use it:

createHotelPhotosRouteHandlerSpec.js (commit)

const hotelId = 'hotelId';

const ctxDouble = {
    params: { // (1)
    response: {
        status: 0,
        body: ''
const findOneSpy = sinon.spy();
const connectedClientDouble = {
    collection: sinon.stub().returns({ // (2)
        findOne: findOneSpy

beforeEach(() => {
    connectedClientDouble.collection.resetHistory(); // (3)

    ctxDouble.response.status = 0;
    ctxDouble.response.body = '';

it('should find hotel entry by hotel id passed in params', () => {
    const routeHandler = createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(connectedClientDouble, collectionName);


        .to.have.been.calledWithExactly({ hotelId: 'hotelId' })

createHotelPhotosRouteHandler.js (commit)

export default function createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(dbClient, collectionName) {
    return (ctx) => {
        dbClient // (4)
            .findOne({ hotelId: ctx.params.hotelId });

        ctx.response.status = 200;
        ctx.response.body = [ 'photo-1.jpg', 'photo-2.jpg', 'photo-3.jpg' ];
  1. We need hotelId in params.

  2. collection now becomes a stub, so we had to take care of that…

  3. … as well as changing how call count reset is handled.

  4. As we need hotelId from params, collection must be called within returned function.

After finding the entity for given hotel, we need to return photos property from it and we will be almost done.

createHotelPhotosRouteHandlerSpec.js (commit)

const findOneStub = sinon.stub().resolves({ // (1)
    photos: [ 'photo-1.jpg', 'photo-2.jpg', 'photo-3.jpg' ]
const connectedClientDouble = {
    collection: sinon.stub().returns({
        findOne: findOneStub

beforeEach(() => {

    ctxDouble.response.status = 0;
    ctxDouble.response.body = '';

it('should return hotel photos collection', () => {
    const routeHandler = createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(connectedClientDouble, collectionName);

    return routeHandler(ctxDouble) // (2)
        .then(() => {
                'photo-1.jpg', 'photo-2.jpg', 'photo-3.jpg'

createHotelPhotosRouteHandler.js (commit)

export default function createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(dbClient, collectionName) {
    return (ctx) => {
        return dbClient
            .findOne({ hotelId: ctx.params.hotelId })
            .then((hotelEntity) => {
                ctx.response.status = 200;
                ctx.response.body = hotelEntity.photos;
  1. As findOne returns a Promise, this is what we must stub. This is finally the place where we can return our photos.

  2. As we are dealing with Promise, the way of executing this part of the test code needed to change as well.

Handling negative cases

What if the collection doesn’t have hotel entity in it? Well, let’s take care of this:

createHotelPhotosRouteHandlerSpec.js (commit)

context('if hotel entity is not found', () => {
    it('should return 404 status', () => {
        const connectedClientDoubleWithNoHotelEntity = { // (1)
            collection: sinon.stub().returns({
                findOne: sinon.stub().resolves(null)
        const routeHandler = createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(

        return routeHandler(ctxDouble)
            .then(() => {

createHotelPhotosRouteHandler.js (commit)

export default function createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(dbClient, collectionName) {
    return (ctx) => {
        return dbClient
            .findOne({ hotelId: ctx.params.hotelId })
            .then((hotelEntity) => {
                if (hotelEntity) {
                    ctx.response.status = 200;
                    ctx.response.body = hotelEntity.photos;
                } else {
                    ctx.response.status = 404; // (2)
  1. We need different behaviour of findOne. Because changing this deeply nested property would be cumbersome, I decided to create a completely new client double, as it is not so big and complex. In other case, I would probably create a function that builds this double for me and prepare it for different scenarios.

  2. A simple response when entity was not found.

If there should be any other cases handled, it’s going to be pretty straightforward from now on.

Final code:


describe('createHotelPhotosRouteHandler', () => {
    const collectionName = 'hotels';
    const hotelId = 'hotelId';

    const ctxDouble = {
        params: {
        response: {
            status: 0,
            body: ''

    const findOneStub = sinon.stub().resolves({
        photos: [ 'photo-1.jpg', 'photo-2.jpg', 'photo-3.jpg' ]
    const connectedClientDouble = {
        collection: sinon.stub().returns({
            findOne: findOneStub

    beforeEach(() => {

        ctxDouble.response.status = 0;
        ctxDouble.response.body = '';

    it('should return a route handler', () => {
        const routeHandler = createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(connectedClientDouble, collectionName);


    describe('route handler', () => {
        it('should fetch hotels collection from DB', () => {
            const routeHandler = createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(connectedClientDouble, collectionName);



        it('should find hotel entry by hotel id passed in params', () => {
            const routeHandler = createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(connectedClientDouble, collectionName);


                .to.have.been.calledWithExactly({ hotelId: 'hotelId' })

        context('if hotel entity is not found', () => {
            it('should return 404 status', () => {
                const connectedClientDoubleWithNoHotelEntity = {
                    collection: sinon.stub().returns({
                        findOne: sinon.stub().resolves(null)
                const routeHandler = createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(

                return routeHandler(ctxDouble)
                    .then(() => {

        it('should return hotel photos collection', () => {
            const routeHandler = createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(connectedClientDouble, collectionName);

            return routeHandler(ctxDouble)
                .then(() => {
                        'photo-1.jpg', 'photo-2.jpg', 'photo-3.jpg'


export default function createHotelPhotosRouteHandler(dbClient, collectionName) {
    return (ctx) => {
        return dbClient
            .findOne({ hotelId: ctx.params.hotelId })
            .then((hotelEntity) => {
                if (hotelEntity) {
                    ctx.response.status = 200;
                    ctx.response.body = hotelEntity.photos;
                } else {
                    ctx.response.status = 404;

Final words

For me, personally, doing the first step was always the hardest one. I had no idea how to start. How could I test something that wasn’t there? I believe it is the same for some of you. And that is why I wanted to share how I managed to overcome this obstacle.

Just to wrap things up, this is what I found helping me most:

  • know what you want in return - then build your app from the very top to that point. This way you will end up with an application that has the minimum code required, as you will want to get to that return step ASAP. Writing minimum code that passes the tests helps a lot as well.

  • learn how to use your tool before you start using it - discover how APIs of given modules / classes you will use work. Not knowing this will slow you down and make you lean towards writing code, and not test, first.
    OK, to be fair. If you really would like to try it out, do it, write some code and make sure it works. Then delete it and start by writing tests. You might end up with less code (most of the time), because it will only do whatever your tests will require it to do. And you will practice TF programming.

I believe that having done this first step will encourage you to do TF (TDD) more often, without the fear of falling into I don’t know what my code will look like so I need to write it first trap. And don’t worry if it will take a long time to do it on daily basis. It took me ‘only’ 6 months :)

Photo by Hal Ozart on Unsplash.